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2023-06-26 14:40:23 来源:上海宝山




[1] Prasadini, Manushika, et al."Blood feeding preference of female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes for human blood group types and its impact on their fecundity: implications for vector control." American Journal of Entomology 3.2 (2019): 43-48.

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[3] Anjomruz, Mehdi, et al."Preferential feeding success of laboratory reared Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes according to ABO blood group status." Acta tropica 140 (2014): 118-123.

[4] Khan, Shahmshad Ahmed, Akwashiki Ombugadu, and Saboor Ahmad."Host‐seeking behavior and fecundity of the female Aedes aegypti to human blood types." Pest Management Science 78.1 (2022): 321-328.

[5] De Obaldia, Maria Elena, et al."Differential mosquito attraction to humans is associated with skin-derived carboxylic acid levels." Cell 185.22 (2022): 4099-4116.

[6] Logan, James G., et al."Arm-in-cage testing of natural human-derived mosquito repellents." Malaria journal 9.1 (2010): 1-10.





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