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Video|Foreign consulate representatives in Guangzhou explore the art of Chaozhou gongfu tea

2023-08-27 04:52:43 来源:羊城派

On the afternoon of August 24th, a unique Chaozhou gongfu tea-tasting event took place at the Guangdong Diplomatic Services Building. Officials and representatives from foreign consulates in Guangzhou, including Mexico, Brazil, Thailand, South Korea, Nepal, the Philippines, and Vietnam, were invited to participate.


Originating in China and embraced worldwide, tea holds a special place in culture. Chaozhou gongfu tea, in particular, encapsulates the essence of Chinese tea culture. The organizers aimed to deepen everyone"s understanding and appreciation of Chaozhou gongfu tea through the delicate aroma of Dancong tea leaves, allowing participants to immerse themselves in the rich history and profound heritage of Guangdong"s traditional cultural features.

At the event venue, tea masters dressed in traditional Hanfu attire demonstrated the entire process of dian cha (creating tea art in cups), showcasing every step from the names of tea tools to the intricacies of dian cha.

Chaozhou gongfu tea is often referred to as a "living fossil" of Chinese tea culture. In 2022, "Chaozhou Gongfu Tea Art" was added to UNESCO"s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, under "traditional tea processing techniques and their associated social practices in China."

During the tasting event, the host led the audience through the evolution of Chinese tea, from the Tang Dynasty"s method of boiling tea in a pot for consumption to the Ming Dynasty"s enduring "separating tea and water" approach. Attendees attentively listened while capturing the moments on their smartphones, savoring the gongfu tea brewed from various types of tea leaves, and fully immersing themselves in the Eastern charm of tea culture.

Julian Adem, the Consul General of Mexico in Guangzhou, remarked, "Rarely do we have the chance to gain such an in-depth understanding of Chinese culture and the associated rituals of tea. I am especially grateful for the historical overview of Chinese tea provided by the event, which allowed us to witness the transformation of tea-drinking rituals across different historical periods. It"s a truly valuable history lesson."

"This event has left a profound impression on me," remarked Sabine Nadja Popoff, Deputy Consul General at the Consulate General of Brazil in Guangzhou. "Behind that small cup of gongfu tea lies an incredibly profound history. This has been a precious experience for me."







墨西哥驻广州总领事胡利安·阿丹姆(Julian ADEM)表示,难得有机会如此深入地了解中华文化和中国茶的相关仪式。“我特别感谢活动设置了中国茶历史讲解这一环节,让我们看到了中国茶在不同历史时期饮茶仪式上的转变。这是非常难得的历史课”。

“这个活动让我感触良多。”巴西驻广州总领事馆代总领事萨宾·波波夫(Sabine Nadja Popoff)说,“小小的一杯工夫茶背后居然蕴藏着如此深厚的历史。这对我来说是一段珍贵的体验。”

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