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环球简讯:【双语新闻】中欧班列郑州至圣彼得堡 首趟开行

2023-07-04 08:07:01 来源:大河网


Zhengzhou-St. Petersburg China Railway Express freight train debuted

中欧班列郑州至圣彼得堡 首趟开行

A new China-Europe freight train route is now available in Central China"s Henan province. Carrying tyres, polyester staple fiber thread, stainless steel tubes and multi-layer white cardboard, a China Railway Express freight train left Zhengzhou city, provincial capital of Henan, early in the morning of June 30. Several days later, it will arrive at its destination St. Petersburg in Russia via the Alashankou Port in Northwest China"s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.


Zhengzhou-St. Petersburg China Railway Express freight train debuted. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

"It marks the official launch of the Zhengzhou-St. Petersburg China Railway Express freight train service." According to Kang Yan, deputy general manager of Zhengzhou International Hub (ZIH) Development and Construction Co., Ltd., the number of ZIH"s direct international train services has increased to 14.


The new destinationwill bring more impetus to Henan"s opening-up. St. Petersburg is the railway hub in Northwest Russia, with 12 main railway lines in operation leading radially to Helsinki in Finland, Warsaw in Poland, Moscow in Russia and other major cities in Europe. With a monthly operation of 2 to 3 trips, the new freight train service is bound to drive the trade and economic growth along the route.

新的目的站扩大河南开放的“朋友圈”。圣彼得堡是俄罗斯西北区的铁路枢纽,域内12条铁路干线呈放射状通向芬兰赫尔辛基、波兰华沙、俄罗斯莫斯科及其他大城市。此次中欧班列(中豫号)新线路开通后,初期计划每月开通2—3趟,将充分发挥中欧班列(中豫号)的辐射力和影响力,带动沿线地区经贸发展。(中文来源/河南日报 记者/王延辉 胡舒彤 编译/杨佳欣 审校/丁岚)




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