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环球今日报丨Tom's Diary (version 2)

2023-07-02 19:22:47 来源:哔哩哔哩

July 20th


I thought there would be nothing to write about today as it was yesterday. I never thought there would be new members of our community named Jack and David. I told them my name was: "Laura". I have never seen anyone as strong as Jack, whose hair is thick and as white as snow. Where did he get such great food? It seems that a lot of girls here like Jack. However, I am an exception. Although Jack looks a lot better than David, I still like David better. Oh, my God! David's green eyes are so beautiful! His eyes must be the most beautiful ones I’ve ever seen, they are the real sparkling green agate!

July 21th

Obnoxious Meg! Why do you have to like David? Why don't you like Jack? Her appearance and figure are much better than mine. How can I compete with her? She also said that she would express her love to David after a few days of observation. What a nuisance! There left me with no choice. Okay, I'll wait. I hope David won't accept her confession.

July 27th

I used to think that David and Jack, who came to our community together, had a good relationship with each other. I heard them taunting each other today. Jack taunted David "stray" and David taunted Jack "abandoned". But what do the words "stray" and "abandoned" mean? I cannot understand! Maybe I should say, they are really someone from the outside. It's obviously the same language, but I can't understand what they’re saying.

But then again, fortunately, they just taunted each other, did not fight. The fight between them is not what I, a weak woman can stop.

August 3rd

Claudette Molaix has not moved much today, and it is estimated that she is about to give birth. I really hope that she can give birth safely. God, please bless her and her children. Or at least bless Claudette from not bleeding to death during childbirth, as Milada did last month. It doesn't matter if only Claudette survived and the children died! As long as Claudia is alive, that's what's the best for her!

August 4th

Oh no! I can't believe that one of my beautiful beards has fallen out! I need to be more careful. How can I restore them when there are already few?! I hate it. How am I supposed to attract David with so few beards? Even if he doesn't like Meg, he wouldn't like such a disgraceful girl!

August 5th

Such good news! I saw Claudette outside today! Her belly is back to normal size and everything is going well! She also told me that she had quadruplets! This is great!

August 10th

It's hard for Claudette, raising four kids all by herself. Fortunately, Miss Generous left more food for Claudette after noticing her particular weakness today. Miss Generous is really, really nice. I like her even more! But today Jack and Claudette had a big fight. I was woken up by their quarrel, and I don't know what they were arguing about, but just vaguely heard a few words like "people", "untrustworthy", "prejudice" or something. I thought Jack was saying that Miss Generous is a bad person? How is that possible? She is always willing to provide us with free food, how can she be a bad person? Jack must be joking. I can't even accept that, let alone Claudette, who likes Miss Generous the most in this community. No wonder Claudette looked so angry.

August 11th

I wish Claudette and Jack hadn't fought yesterday. Really, don't they know that fighting is easy to get hurt? Why must they be in such a fierce conflict? In the end, if they really fight, the consequences will be very serious! Obviously, just last month, Bill and Escontti died because the conflict escalated into a fight and was injured. Even though Jack doesn't know, doesn't Claudette know?

August 15th

The amount of food I can find on my own has been getting less and less lately, and it seems that I need to get food from Miss Generous, too. I believe she won’t mind.

August 18th

For almost a month when David and Jack came to our community, I have never seen David being aggressive to others, he seems to be born that way. Ah, his gentle feeling makes me like him even more! Jack, on the other hand, always seems to act deliberately, and I don't know what is wrong with him.

August 23rd

David came to talk to me today! Although he only asked me why we called Claudette's four children: "Molaix One, Molaix Two, Molaix Three, Molaix Four." I suddenly didn't know how to answer, so I just stammered and said, "We'll pick it up in a few days." Oh, my God, how could I answer him like that? I wish David hadn't noticed my red face.

But then again, why would he ask such a stupid question? Isn't that a common sense? The children are easy to die these days. Claudette now gives the children names, and then the children die later, isn't it in vain? Some days after this dangerous time, it's obviously better to give names to the surviving children.

August 24th

Should I say that I have something to think about every day and something to dream at night? Yesterday I dreamt that I had sex with David. Hiss, I can't keep thinking like this anymore. I can't help it.

August 25th

Today, Meg finally expressed her affection to David. To my delight, David turned her down without hesitation. I tried to pretend that I wasn’t that happy and asked him why he had rejected Meg, but he just smiled bitterly and said nothing. Annoying! Without knowing the reason why he rejected Meg, how can I confess my love to him? Forget it. I won't confess my love these days. Let's find him more and draw in the distance between us.

August 29th

Sure enough, the sunshine on the slate in the afternoon is the best. Such a comfortable nap! And you can grind your nails after you wake up!

September 1st

Claudette's babies are so cute! I like Molaix Two best! She is so quiet, her blue eyes are as blue as the sky, and her voice can just melt my heart!

When can I be with David and have such lovely babies?

September 3rd

Well! Well! It's a pity that Molaix Two died this young! I told David about it, and he regained his calm very soon, but I don't know what he was thinking. When I was parting, I heard him mutter something: “For the better being of us, ha!”

September 5th

Early in the morning, David came to me mysteriously and said, "Those kidnappers are coming." I don't know what charade he was playing. Some time later, I heard Claudette and Molaix Three crying, and I wanted to go out to see what had happened, but David stopped me and said, "For the sake of your own interest, don't go out." Oh! David, for my sake! It seems that my closeness to David these days has worked! He also began to come to me and think about me!

September 8th

I am still not brave enough to go out, neither Claudette nor Molaix Three have come back. Fortunately, Miss Generous still leaves food for us, which allows Molaix One to survive on his own. But for Molaix Four, that doesn’t make sense. When Claudette was still around, he could barely survive, but now, survival seems impossible for him.

September 10th

Claudette came back, but Molaix Three didn’t. It's strange today that David and Claudette, who had little contact before, suddenly became very close. Only the God knows what Claudette's been through. What’s going on with them?

September 11th

I tried to ask Claudette if she knew where Molaix Three had gone, but she just kept silent. But I can clearly distinguish the smell of Molaix Three from her.

Then, I asked David, but David didn't tell me anything either! Is my closeness to him a fake?

September 12th

It's great that Molaix One is still alive today! Claudette named him "Thomas Molaix"! Claudette was so kind to Thomas, far better than any mother could ever be to her child. And today Claudette didn't allow Miss Generous to touch her, it was strange, she used to be the very person who liked that lady the most. That lady seemed to be a bit lost, and maybe I'll comfort her tomorrow.

September 16th

I should have listened to David! That Miss Generous is no good either! She is also a gang of kidnappers! What the hell did they do to me? What on earth does the phrase "for the better being of them" mean? If I didn't fight hard, where were they going to take me? And why did I see sympathy in David and Jack's green eyes when I came back and met David and Jack?

September 20th

I haven't been motivated to go to see David these days, and I don't seem to be very angry to see Claudette, Meg and other women talking to him. Don't I like him as much as before? Why am I so calm now? Do I change my mind so quickly? That is impossible!

September 21st

I visited David today and asked him: "What does the word I heard, 'sterilization' mean?" He replied: "That means you can no longer produce offspring." I finally figured it out why did they show such expressions to me. They, including Claudette, are probably all 'sterilized', right? No wonder Claudette suddenly had such a good relationship with David when she came back.

September 22nd

For the better being of us, ha!

How could those people say such things when making “sterilization” for us! What do they mean when saying “for the better of us”? I ‘d rather believe it's obviously troublesome for them to see us. What do they know?! As long as we can keep our descendants alive, what matters if we die early? They, including that Miss Generous, are a bunch of self-righteous and hypocritical guys!

So did David and Claudette, who kept playing charades and didn't directly tell me what had happened. If they had told me earlier, I wouldn't have been “sterilized”! My misfortune has much to do with them!

The world really sucks.

September 23rd

I don't think I can live here any longer, and maybe I need a different community.

When I see the Miss Generous’ face again, perhaps I cannot resist the wanting to hit her. How dare she still provide us with free food after doing such a thing? Does she still think any of us will trust her?

David and Claudette, I won’t trust them that they won’t tell anyone about my sterilization. I'd better change another community.

September 25th

I went to a new community where the residents don't know me, and I told them that my name was " Tom".

September 27th

I suppose that the future life will be wonderful.

Could it be?




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